About Purro

Purro provides businesses of all sizes the ability to boost conversions and streamline customer support through the usage of AI-based custom chatbots. Learn more about the product and founder's vision!

Vision and mission

Over the years we've created a successful product lineup that has scaled to 15+ million users across multiple geographies. We did this because we've always understood the pain of solving user queries with limited resources and small teams. Providing quality customer support has always been a priority for us.

We've observed the standard customer support practices followed in industries like E-commerce, Supply Chain, Healthcare, etc., and have mapped issues that have plagued organizations within these industries. From cost optimization to time utilization, we understand the difficulties in handling customer support operations.

But, with the advent of AI and GPT models, we believe now is perhaps the best time to introduce a solution to the industry. Our vision is to empower businesses of all scales to boost their conversions, save time and cost on resources, and refine customer support practices through powerful AI tools and assistants.

And we believe that every business deserves to upscale operations, boost ROI, and sail smoothly.

Contact us

We're always an email away - please say hello at support@purro.ai if we can be of any help or you have any questions. 🙂

Winning trust and helping businesses scale


"My site went live within 48 hours of using Purro. It's really powerful and I love it!"

— Dan Maloni


"The best part is that it supports my native language."

— Ramona P.


"I got the entire thing setup in less than 15 minutes. It looks promising!"

— Issac C.

Ready to boost conversions and improve Customer Satisfaction?

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