10 Reasons why you need an AI Chatbot for your Business

Updated on Mar 7, 2024

Responding to your customers in record time is something every company is striving for. Accuracy and swiftness have gained more popularity as crucial metrics for effective Customer Support. And with the AI revolution, people are flooded with creative options to choose from. Having an AI Chatbot reduces a lot of manual load on business owners. And if you’re one of them then this blog is just for you. Here we’ll highlight the top 10 reasons why your business needs an AI Chatbot for its operations.

The reasons

This section of the blog will shed light on the top 10 reasons why you could use an AI Chatbot for your business:

24x7 availability for customers

Having an AI Chatbot is just like having an assistant that is available for query resolution 24x7. Faster response times have now become a crucial identifier for business success. Close to 46% of customers prefer to have their queries answered within the first 4 hours. With an AI Chatbot, you can achieve both objectives. AI in Customer Support is something that has evolved greatly over a short span, and it’s going to do so in the coming future.

Better customer engagement

Depending on how well you’ve trained them, AI Chatbots can answer customer queries quite accurately. And if you’ve trained them to work on simple prompts then that’s even better. This allows customers to engage freely with the Chatbot, listing down all their queries and watching them being resolved within minutes. You can even add a bit of personality to your Chatbot, this enables it to represent your brand and talk with a natural tone.

Cost-effectiveness and scalability

Having a Chatbot lets you save costs on hiring additional Customer Support staff and other professionals. Since Chatbots are capable of handling multiple inquiries at once, companies these days are choosing them in droves. You also have the liberty of adding features to handle more operations, hence improving scalability. A Chatbot can grow alongside your business in terms of complexity and features.

Personalization of customer experience

If your AI Chatbot is complex, with a nuanced approach for retraining itself, then chances are, you’ll have a good time engaging customers. Customers love when messages, no matter how simple, are personalized, or you can even say, as per their taste. By simply attaching their name to the message header can make them feel valued. A well-developed and trained Chatbot can do this quite easily as it’ll have the ability to go back and derive insights from previous sessions.

Better lead generation

Coming across a quick and accurate Chatbot is always a plus. Just like personalization, an AI Chatbot can help you generate leads quite easily. All it has to do is engage with customers by giving them quick answers that deliver the value they need. With a friendly enough tone to engage and a simple language to understand, your Chatbot can represent your brand effectively. And you can always add a list of additional features that allow the chatbot to predict the requirements based on previous conversations.

Reduced response time for query resolution

It was found that businesses saved up to 2.5 billion hours in 2023 through the use of AI Chatbots. A physical call can take up to a few minutes to deliver the necessary details to the customer. While it is natural, it does venture into other territories and may lose track of the actual problem. With a Chatbot, this isn’t the case, upon registering the query, the Chatbot will work on delivering the best possible result in the quickest window.

Secondary brand representation and marketing

As mentioned above, if your Chatbot has been trained on your business model, then it’ll act as an extension of the business itself. By setting the right attributes such as color, theme, font style and size, language tone, etc. you can create a replica of your website, albeit in an interactive format. Think of your custom Chatbot as an employee that manages Customer Support, handles conversions, and represents your business just the way you want it to.

Multi-language support for global reach

With the proliferation of AI models, you can create Chatbots that support multiple languages. You can choose a reliable Customer Support Chatbot platform like Purro as it provides you the ability to cater to customers globally. You can converse in 90+ languages and resolve queries instantly. This feature helps you operate from anywhere in the world.

Insight generation

Another important reason to have an AI Chatbot by your side is its ability to generate detailed insights. Since your Chatbot will be in contact with a plethora of customers, it will collect the data generated from the conversations. This data can then be categorized as per a taxonomy of your choice. The resulting insights will not only help you understand and improve your Chatbot, but it’ll also help you improve your approach towards customer interactions.

Resource streamlining

By adding an AI Chatbot to your website, mobile app, or any other platform that represents your business, you can streamline resource utilization. It works really well considering the fact that you won’t be needing manual handling of reports, relaying of messages, etc. With a Chatbot you can get instant reports, notify other departments on the latest developments, and update records.

How to choose the right AI Chatbot for your business?

Here’s the thing, while the AI revolution has driven a lot of products out there in the market, choosing the right is imperative. But how do you do that? Well, all you need is a list of things to remember. Think of them as a checklist of sorts before selecting the right AI Chatbot for your business:

  • Finalize the brand you wish to deploy the Chatbot for: You need to consider what drove you to this decision. In other words, you need to consider what exactly your business needs when it comes to implementing an AI Chatbot. Does it handle more customer queries than it can handle? Do you need it for FAQ answering or collecting customer feedback?

  • Is the Chatbot customizable: Check whether the Chatbot has the capability of mimicking your business tone, the more accurate it is, the better. Also ensure that the solution is capable of easily understanding customer queries.

  • Check for necessary features: Always remember to check how many messages, additional features is the AI Chatbot equipped with. Check whether they have a cap on the number of sessions they can host. Pricing should definitely be a major factor behind your final choice.

  • Check whether it is easy to implement: A lot of AI Chatbots require you to perform more than 4 steps to install the bot onto your website/platform. Ideally, a solution shouldn’t take any more than 3 steps for installation. You should also check whether the Chatbot can ingest data from diverse files.

  • Data protection and privacy: A key factor to consider these days is customer data protection. With breaches popping up every now and then, it is imperative for your business to harbor customer data on secure servers. Ensure to implement the latest security measures to keep your business safe.

While options are many, choosing one can be made easier if you have the right features in the right package. With Purro, you can create your own GPT powered Customer Support Chatbot that’ll not only handle queries but generate leads as well. All you have to do is import your data, embed Purro on your website, and relax as it handles customer queries 24x7 without a fuss.


An AI Chatbot can change the way you conduct business quite drastically. From resource streamlining to insight generation, it can help you in more ways than one. With the growing complexity of AI and ML concepts, it is only feasible to expect more sophisticated Chatbots in the future. Choosing a Chatbot is equally crucial as there are quite a lot of them in the market right now. But you don’t have to worry about that since you’ve got Purro for your business needs!

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