What is an LLM, and how does it Shape Chatbot Development?

Updated on Mar 27, 2024

Be it ChatGPT, Gemini, Copilot, or any other generative AI out there, they all share one thing in common. They’re all Large Language Models or LLMs. These days, LLMs are handling everything, from response generation to handling queries, they’re everywhere. But what is an LLM? And how does it enable Chatbot development? Worry not, for the following blog will answer all these questions in detail.

Understanding what is an LLM

An LLM or a Large Language Model is a subset of Artificial Intelligence that utilizes Deep Learning and large data sets to understand and generate content. Generative AI these days is closely related to LLMs and the way they work. LLMs also use complex Neural Networks that aid in identifying patterns, understanding human language, and generating accurate responses.

Here’s how an LLM works; imagine feeding an LLM countless books, articles, and conversations. Through this "training" process, the model establishes connections between words, phrases, and their meanings. This allows it to not just understand the individual components of a sentence but also grasp its context and broader intent.

And now you know what is an LLM!

Types of LLMs

There are various types of LLMs, each with its unique architecture and training methods. For now, we will focus on two major ones that are used quite frequently:

Transformer-based LLM

A transformer-based LLM includes a heavy architecture (a large neural network) that takes the problem input and then runs it through the nodes to generate a response. LLMs based on this architecture are very good at generating human-like responses, simple code snippets, and other outputs. However, they’re not that brilliant when it comes to the accuracy or the logic of the results. ChatGPT is a prominent example of a transformer-based LLM.

Check out our blog on GPT 4 Turbo vs Gemini 1.5 to find out which one’s better!

Mixture of Experts (MoE) LLM

A Mixture of Experts or an MoE LLM differs from a Transformer-based LLM in its approach. Although this architecture still contains a large neural network, it is distributed among numerous “Experts” that are capable of solving problems pertaining to different domains. LLMs based on this architecture are known to give accurate results at the cost of human-like conversational capability. Gemini 1.5 is the latest and perhaps the most powerful example of this architecture yet.

Capabilities of LLMs

Beyond understanding language, LLMs possess a diverse range of capabilities that make them valuable tools in various applications. Here are some key capabilities:

  • Text generation: LLMs can generate different creative text formats, from poems and code snippets to scripts and marketing copy. They can even translate languages with remarkable accuracy, breaking down communication barriers globally.

  • Question answering: LLMs can analyze vast amounts of information and answer complex questions in a comprehensive and informative way. This has applications in areas like customer support, where Chatbots powered by LLMs can provide efficient and personalized support.

  • Summarization: LLMs can condense large amounts of text into a concise and informative summary, saving users valuable time and effort. This can be helpful for tasks like summarizing news articles or lengthy documents.

  • Sentiment analysis: LLMs can gauge the sentiment of text, identifying whether it is positive, negative, or neutral. This can be used for various purposes, such as analyzing customer reviews or understanding the overall tone of social media conversations.

LLMs and Chatbots: A valuable combination

If you have an AI Chatbot for your website, then you’re probably aware of its importance and capabilities. However, if that’s not the case, then you must know that LLMs and Chatbots go hand in hand. Chatbots are perhaps the most widely implemented tool derived from AI. Their presence has been noted and valued across multiple industries. Here’s how LLMs offer advantages to businesses when paired with Chatbots:

  • Natural language understanding: LLMs can understand the nuances of human language, including slang, sarcasm, and complex sentence structures. This allows them to hold meaningful conversations that feel more natural and engaging.

  • Personalized interaction: LLMs can access and process user data, enabling them to personalize conversations and tailor responses to individual needs and preferences. This can significantly improve User Experience and satisfaction.

  • Contextual awareness: LLMs can remember previous interactions and maintain context throughout a conversation, allowing them to provide more relevant and helpful responses. This creates a more seamless and engaging User Experience.

  • Emotional intelligence: In the coming years, LLMs can be trained to understand human emotions. This can result in Chatbots that are highly capable of conversing with an empathetic tone.

  • Multimodal communication: LLMs can also be trained to engage in conversations through various channels, including text, voice, and video. This inclusion is already being practiced by organizations for their customer support operations.

The impact of LLMs on Chatbot development

Ever since Chatbot development has been paired with LLMs, things have changed quite drastically. The impact of AI Chatbots, powered by LLMs, is quite profound. Here’s a list describing the same:

  • Enhanced customer support: LLM-powered Chatbots now possess the ability to provide 24x7 customer support. They address inquiries efficiently and offer personalized solutions. Organizations these days are looking for ways to engage lead generation through fewer resources, and Chatbots are the go-to option for them.

  • Improved efficiency: Chatbots can now automate repetitive tasks and free up human agents to focus on complex issues and strategic initiatives. This has enabled companies to save resource training costs and cut down time spent on hiring and training.

  • Language learning and translation: Chatbots powered by LLMs act as virtual language coaches, providing real-time feedback and personalized learning paths to improve language proficiency. Additionally, their multilingual capabilities facilitate effective communication across language barriers.

  • Content creation and marketing: LLMs also assist with content creation by generating different formats like product descriptions, marketing copy, and even scripts. They can also personalize marketing campaigns based on user data, leading to improved engagement and conversion rates.

If you’re a business owner in 2024, it is imperative for you to implement a solution that not only caters to your customer support needs but also generates leads. To achieve this, you need a Chatbot that:

  • Is scalable

  • Can be created in less than 10 minutes

  • Can be trained on your website

  • And can pay for itself within a few days by driving in leads

With Purro, you can build yourself a GPT-powered Chatbot that’ll do everything you need in just 10 minutes.


We hope that you’ve read and understood our blog on what is an LLM and how it enables Chatbot development. These sophisticated models are transforming the way we interact with machines, leading to numerous potential benefits across various sectors. Deploying Chatbots to your business for customer support automation is a crucial step that should be taken in 2024. Now is perhaps the best time to build your own Chatbot and start using it to serve customers and generate leads.

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